The file Plugin_Antivirus.dll description is: Baidu Antivirus Interface. The file Plugin_Antivirus.dll is related to the Baidu, Inc.. The version of the file Plugin_Antivirus.dll: 3,0,1,23127. The Plugin_Antivirus.dll is a part of software product: Baidu Antivirus LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) 2013 Baidu, Inc. All rights reserved..
The file Plugin_Antivirus.dll size is: 584 104 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%\Baidu Security\Baidu Antivirus\Plugins\Plugin_Antivirus\Plugin_Antivirus.dll
Plugin_Antivirus.dll MD5: 0FEBD86C257AA55DF44394207DD39AF8
Plugin_Antivirus.dll SHA1: 7B00404C 93E29E0D AC15F92E 46A1A4DF 0ACAFAF8

The PLUGIN_ANTIVIRUS.DLL related files:
ADVAPI32.dll Antivirus.dll BavIPC.dll COMCTL32.dll DirectUI.dll GDI32.dll IPHLPAPI.DLL kernel32.dll log.dll ole32.dll SHELL32.dll SHLWAPI.dll USER32.DLL VERSION.dll

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