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Be careful! Full path on computer: %PROGRAM FILES%\YX_ARCHANGEL\LANDER_DTS.EXE
LANDER_DTS.EXE is reported and classified as malicious program (malware).
LANDER_DTS.EXE actively resists detection and employs a number of techniques to ensure that you cannot remove LANDER_DTS.EXE from infected computers.
How LANDER_DTS.EXE got on your computer?
Phishing is the most common way for malware to infect computers.
It could be a fake email message that appears to be originated from Microsoft Customer Service, eBay, PayPal, Amazon, or even your bank or insurance company.
Fake emails that appear to come from the police, the FBI and other government entities were also reported.
LANDER_DTS.EXE could also infect your computer by exploiting a security vulnerability of your Web browser or one of its plugins.
If this is the case, LANDER_DTS.EXE would be injected into a Web page, and could get to your PC when you visited a malicious or hacked Web site.
LANDER_DTS.EXE can be distributed with legitimate software that is repackaged by the scammers.
It could be downloaded from warez Web sites or download archives.
How do you know you have LANDER_DTS.EXE on my computer?
LANDER_DTS.EXE works in background. It does not appear as a window, does not have a shortcut.
LANDER_DTS.EXE hides its existence from your eyes.
How to remove LANDER_DTS.EXE?
It may not be easy!
Be careful!
Make a full backup of your PC before starting.
Removal guide for LANDER_DTS.EXE:
- Uninstall LANDER_DTS.EXE using Windows uninstallation applet (use Add/Remove Programs or Uninstall Program or Apps & features).
- Open Task Manager to kill all "LANDER_DTS.EXE" related processes.
- Use Windows search to find and remove "LANDER_DTS.EXE" files and folders.
- Run services.msc to disable a "LANDER_DTS.EXE" Windows service.
- Execute taskschd.msc to get rid of "LANDER_DTS.EXE" scheduled tasks.
- Open regedit.exe and delete LANDER_DTS.EXE registry keys and values.
- Check your shortcuts on your desktop and in the Start menu for LANDER_DTS.EXE presence. Fix infected shortcuts.
- Remove a virus from Google Chrome.
- Remove a virus from Internet Explorer.
- Remove a virus from Mozilla Firefox.
- Clean your Recycle bin and temporary files.
Related Files:
File Information LANDER_DTS.EXE:
Virustotal = 1/57
MD5 = D4FE838627868A7E5ADC4171612441F6
File Size: 1211520
FileDescription: ??????
CompanyName: ??????????
LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) 2016