The file libqt4_plugin.dll size is: 11 589 632 bytes.
Default location: %Local Appdata%\iLivid\VLC\plugins\gui\libqt4_plugin.dll
libqt4_plugin.dll MD5: 7C02CFC1A6027979F2D5E83229359640
libqt4_plugin.dll SHA1: 9F7B74CE 6482D736 6E798124 513E5285 8D7ADD5F

Registry strings in the libqt4_plugin.dll:

MACHINE\Software\Symbian\EPOC SDKs\CommonPath registry key is set, and then
Software\Symbian\EPOC SDKs\CommonPath

The LIBQT4_PLUGIN.DLL related files:
*.log *.txt ADVAPI32.DLL COMCTL32.DLL COMDLG32.DLL DXVA2.DLL GDI32.dll IMM32.DLL KERNEL32.dll libvlccore.dll msvcrt.dll OLE32.dll OLEAUT32.DLL plugin.dll plugin.dll.dbg SHELL32.DLL USER32.dll WINMM.DLL WSOCK32.DLL

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