Category Archives: FireWall


COMODO FIREWALL Defends your PC from Internet attacks Firewall Protection Prevents malware from being installed on your PC This software does not change the Windows boot time. LAUNCHER.EXE Description: livePCsupport launcher application Comodo Security Solutions Inc. livePCsupport 4.0 MD5= 2AEF6DA6F804F29B82C1C7A2050E1B81 File is signed and the signature was verified. File size= 49360 CFP.EXE Description: COMODO […]


SCREENHOOKS.DLL The file screenhooks.dll size is: 69 136 bytes. Default location: %Program Files Common%\Comodo\screenhooks.dll screenhooks.dll MD5: BA1ABB93FBADFE08F730F449B2C92215 screenhooks.dll SHA1: 14D306B8 461BE838 4DB19A7B A6A8D27D DD553B32 The SCREENHOOKS.DLL related files: KERNEL32.dll screenhooks.dll USER32.DLL I recommend you UnHackMe – Ultimate Malware Killer for fast malware removal: Download UnHackMe Fully Functional 30-day Trial. No credit is required. Reviews. EULA. […]


SCRIPT.CAV The file script.cav description is: COMODO Internet Security. The file script.cav is related to the COMODO. The version of the file script.cav: 5, 9, 219747, 2195. The script.cav is a part of software product: COMODO Internet Security LegalCopyright: 2005-2009 COMODO. All rights reserved.. The file script.cav size is: 287 048 bytes. Default location: %Program […]


SCRTEMU.CAV The file scrtemu.cav description is: COMODO Internet Security. The file scrtemu.cav is related to the COMODO. The version of the file scrtemu.cav: 5, 9, 219747, 2195. The scrtemu.cav is a part of software product: COMODO Internet Security LegalCopyright: 2005-2009 COMODO. All rights reserved.. The file scrtemu.cav size is: 651 592 bytes. Default location: %Program […]


SIGNMGR.DLL The file signmgr.dll description is: COMODO Internet Security. The file signmgr.dll is related to the COMODO. The version of the file signmgr.dll: 5, 9, 219747, 2195. The signmgr.dll is a part of software product: COMODO Internet Security LegalCopyright: 2005-2009 COMODO. All rights reserved.. The file signmgr.dll size is: 859 464 bytes. Default location: %Program […]


SMART.CAV The file smart.cav size is: 68 424 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security\scanners\smart.cav smart.cav MD5: 52D890E54725A39340691569AD97FB87 smart.cav SHA1: C90995F6 428A4A3B 474D6B18 8132256A 3E0D4A71 The SMART.CAV related files: KERNEL32.dll USER32.DLL I recommend you UnHackMe – Ultimate Malware Killer for fast malware removal: Download UnHackMe Fully Functional 30-day Trial. No credit is required. Reviews. EULA. […]


TVNSERVER.EXE The file tvnserver.exe has internal name: tvnserver.exe. The file tvnserver.exe description is: TightVNC Server for Windows. The file tvnserver.exe is related to the GlavSoft LLC.. The version of the file tvnserver.exe: The tvnserver.exe is a part of software product: TightVNC LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) 2008-2011 GlavSoft LLC.. The file tvnserver.exe size is: 828 944 […]


UNARCH.CAV The file unarch.cav description is: COMODO Internet Security. The file unarch.cav is related to the COMODO. The version of the file unarch.cav: 5, 9, 219747, 2195. The unarch.cav is a part of software product: COMODO Internet Security LegalCopyright: 2005-2009 COMODO. All rights reserved.. The file unarch.cav size is: 657 224 bytes. Default location: %Program […]


UNIT.EXE The file unit.exe description is: livePCsupport Component. The file unit.exe is related to the Comodo Security Solutions, Inc.. The version of the file unit.exe: 4, 0, 0, 0. The unit.exe is a part of software product: livePCsupport LegalCopyright: (C)Comodo Security Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.. The file unit.exe size is: 875 216 bytes. Default […]


UNITY_CORE.DLL The file unity_core.dll description is: livePCsupport Component. The file unity_core.dll is related to the Comodo Security Solutions, Inc.. The version of the file unity_core.dll: 4, 0, 0, 0. The unity_core.dll is a part of software product: livePCsupport LegalCopyright: (C)Comodo Security Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.. The file unity_core.dll size is: 872 144 bytes. Default […]