Category Archives: FreeCUDAVideoConverter


TFILESYS.DLL The file tfilesys.dll has internal name: realjukebox.exe. The file tfilesys.dll description is: RealNetworks File System Plugin. The file tfilesys.dll is related to the RealNetworks, Inc.. The version of the file tfilesys.dll: The tfilesys.dll is a part of software product: RealNetworks RealPlayer LegalCopyright: Copyright ? RealNetworks, Inc. 1995-2004. The file tfilesys.dll size is: 57 […]


THEORAREND.DLL The file theorarend.dll size is: 122 880 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\Free CUDA Video Converter 6\bin\data\Real\Plugins\theorarend.dll theorarend.dll MD5: 9E2F8D84812469D2032BB4B0618332BE theorarend.dll SHA1: 4CD2A9F7 B25349A4 49E1B641 F84D09F7 A6E08A9B The THEORAREND.DLL related files: KERNEL32.dll MSVCRT.dll ole32.dll theorarend.dll USER32.dll I recommend you UnHackMe – Ultimate Malware Killer for fast malware removal: Download UnHackMe Fully Functional 30-day Trial. No […]


SDPP3260.DLL The file sdpp3260.dll has internal name: SDPPLIN.DLL. The file sdpp3260.dll description is: SDP plugin for RealMedia?. The file sdpp3260.dll is related to the RealNetworks, Inc.. The version of the file sdpp3260.dll: The sdpp3260.dll is a part of software product: SDP plugin for RealMedia? (32-bit) LegalCopyright: Copyright ? RealNetworks, Inc. 1995-2002. The file sdpp3260.dll […]


VC.EXE The file vc.exe size is: 1 656 832 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\Free CUDA Video Converter 6\bin\data\vc.exe vc.exe MD5: FCF1C68F82B0E396B6D772427790511C vc.exe SHA1: 20B4580A EE508F72 80F23853 9460E5B6 D73B3E28 The VC.EXE related files: /RWiPhone0.dll imcpuusage0.dll imfc0.dll immavsscript0.dll immclip0.dll immconverttask0.dll immeffectdata0.dll immeffectedit0.dll immeffectplayer0.dll immplayer0.dll immprofile0.dll KERNEL32.dll MSVCP90.dll MSVCR90.dll QtCore4.dll QtGui4.dll QtNetwork4.dll QtOpenGL4.dll QtWebKit4.dll QtXml4.dll I recommend you […]


SDPPLIN.DLL The file sdpplin.dll has internal name: sdpplugin.DLL. The file sdpplin.dll description is: Helix DNA SDP plugin. The file sdpplin.dll is related to the RealNetworks, Inc.. The version of the file sdpplin.dll: The sdpplin.dll is a part of software product: RealPlayer 10 LegalCopyright: Copyright(c) RealNetworks, Inc. 1995-2004. All rights reserved. Source code for this […]


VIDEOCOLORCONVERTER.DLL The file videocolorconverter.dll description is: Video color converter. The version of the file videocolorconverter.dll: The videocolorconverter.dll is a part of software product: Helix Producer SDK LegalCopyright: Copyright ? RealNetworks, Inc. 1995-2004. All rights reserved.. The file videocolorconverter.dll size is: 49 249 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\Free CUDA Video Converter 6\bin\data\real-supports\tools\videocolorconverter.dll videocolorconverter.dll MD5: 1C7985146A1ECA9FA0008C9E02790791 […]


SECURITY.DLL The file security.dll has internal name: realjukebox.exe. The file security.dll description is: RealNetworks File Renderer Utility Toolkit. The file security.dll is related to the RealNetworks, Inc.. The version of the file security.dll: The security.dll is a part of software product: RealNetworks RealPlayer LegalCopyright: Copyright ? RealNetworks, Inc. 1995-2004. The file security.dll size is: […]


VIDEOLUMAADJ.DLL The file videolumaadj.dll description is: Video black level correction. The version of the file videolumaadj.dll: The videolumaadj.dll is a part of software product: Helix Producer SDK LegalCopyright: Copyright ? RealNetworks, Inc. 1995-2004. All rights reserved.. The file videolumaadj.dll size is: 45 139 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\Free CUDA Video Converter 6\bin\data\real-supports\tools\videolumaadj.dll videolumaadj.dll MD5: […]


SIPR3260.DLL The file sipr3260.dll has internal name: SIPR.DLL. The file sipr3260.dll description is: RealNetworks ACELP-NET Voice Codec. The file sipr3260.dll is related to the RealNetworks, Inc.. The version of the file sipr3260.dll: The sipr3260.dll is a part of software product: RealPlayer 10 LegalCopyright: Copyright(c) RealNetworks, Inc. 1995-2004, All rights reserved.. The file sipr3260.dll size […]