Category Archives: ADOBE SHOCKWAVE


ADOBE SHOCKWAVE The Windows boot time has become slow than usually. Difference= 1 sec (-3%). I recommend you UnHackMe – Ultimate Malware Killer for fast malware removal: Download UnHackMe Fully Functional 30-day Trial. No credit is required. Reviews. EULA. Privacy Policy.


SUN AU IMPORT EXPORT.X32 The file Sun AU Import Export.x32 description is: Director Support. The file Sun AU Import Export.x32 is related to the Adobe Systems, Inc.. The version of the file Sun AU Import Export.x32: 11.6.7r637. The Sun AU Import Export.x32 is a part of software product: Director 11.5 LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 1985-2009 Adobe […]


XMLPARSER.X32 The file XMLParser.x32 has internal name: XMLParser.x32. The file XMLParser.x32 description is: Adobe XML Parser Xtra. The file XMLParser.x32 is related to the Adobe Systems, Inc.. The version of the file XMLParser.x32: 11.6.7r637. The XMLParser.x32 is a part of software product: Director 11.5 LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 1985-2009 Adobe Systems, Inc.. The file XMLParser.x32 size […]


SWA IMPORT EXPORT.X32 The file SWA Import Export.x32 has internal name: SWA Import Export.x32. The file SWA Import Export.x32 description is: SWA Import Export. The file SWA Import Export.x32 is related to the Adobe Systems, Inc.. The version of the file SWA Import Export.x32: 11.6.7r637. The SWA Import Export.x32 is a part of software product: […]


SWADCMPR.X32 The file Swadcmpr.x32 has internal name: SWADcmpr.x32. The file Swadcmpr.x32 description is: Adobe SWA Decompression Xtra. The file Swadcmpr.x32 is related to the Adobe Systems, Inc.. The version of the file Swadcmpr.x32: 11.6.7r637. The Swadcmpr.x32 is a part of software product: Director 11.5 LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 1985-2009 Adobe Systems, Inc.. The file Swadcmpr.x32 size […]


SWASTRM.X32 The file Swastrm.x32 has internal name: SWAStrm.x32. The file Swastrm.x32 description is: Adobe SWA Streaming Xtra. The file Swastrm.x32 is related to the Adobe Systems, Inc.. The version of the file Swastrm.x32: 11.6.7r637. The Swastrm.x32 is a part of software product: Director 11.5 LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 1985-2009 Adobe Systems, Inc.. The file Swastrm.x32 size […]


SWDIR_1167637.DLL The file SwDir_1167637.dll has internal name: SwDir.dll. The file SwDir_1167637.dll description is: Shockwave ActiveX Control. The file SwDir_1167637.dll is related to the Adobe Systems, Inc.. The version of the file SwDir_1167637.dll: 11.6.7r637. The SwDir_1167637.dll is a part of software product: Shockwave LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 1985-2009 Adobe Systems, Inc.. The file SwDir_1167637.dll size is: 322 […]


SWDNLD.EXE The file SWDNLD.EXE has internal name: SWDNLD.EXE. The file SWDNLD.EXE description is: Shockwave Download Module. The file SWDNLD.EXE is related to the Adobe Systems, Inc.. The version of the file SWDNLD.EXE: 11.6.7r637. The SWDNLD.EXE is a part of software product: Shockwave LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 1985-2009 Adobe Systems, Inc.. The file SWDNLD.EXE size is: 142 […]


SWHELPER_1167637.EXE The file SwHelper_1167637.exe has internal name: SwHelper.exe. The file SwHelper_1167637.exe description is: Shockwave Helper. The file SwHelper_1167637.exe is related to the Adobe Systems, Inc.. The version of the file SwHelper_1167637.exe: 11.6.7r637. The SwHelper_1167637.exe is a part of software product: Shockwave LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 1985-2009 Adobe Systems, Inc.. The file SwHelper_1167637.exe size is: 1 039 […]


SWINIT.EXE The file SwInit.exe has internal name: SwInit.exe. The file SwInit.exe description is: Shockwave Init. The file SwInit.exe is related to the Adobe Systems, Inc.. The version of the file SwInit.exe: 11.6.7r637. The SwInit.exe is a part of software product: Shockwave LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 1985-2009 Adobe Systems, Inc.. The file SwInit.exe size is: 114 176 […]