Category Archives: WinPatrol


WinPatrol Version: 24.6 WinPatrol’s easy tabbed interface allows you to explore deep inside your computer without having to be a computer expert. A one-time investment in WinPatrol PLUS provides a unique experience you won’t find in any other software. WinPatrol works and plays well with others so it will complement any popular AntiVirus program scanner […]


WINPATROL.EXE The file WinPatrol.exe description is: WinPatrol System Monitor. The file WinPatrol.exe is related to the BillP Studios. The version of the file WinPatrol.exe: 24.6.2012.0. The WinPatrol.exe is a part of software product: WinPatrol Monitor LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 1997-2012 BillP Studios. Comments: Let Scotty the Windows Watchdog patrol your system.. The file WinPatrol.exe size is: […]


WINPATROLEX.EXE The file WinPatrolEx.exe description is: WinPatrol Explorer. The file WinPatrolEx.exe is related to the BillP Studios. The version of the file WinPatrolEx.exe: 24.6.2012.0. The WinPatrolEx.exe is a part of software product: WinPatrol Explorer LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 2004-2012 BillP Studios. Comments: Let Scotty the Windows Watchdog patrol your system.. The file WinPatrolEx.exe size is: 635 […]


TSUDLL.DLL The file TsuDll.dll has internal name: TsuDll.dll. The file TsuDll.dll description is: Tarma? InstallMate Setup Library. The file TsuDll.dll is related to the Tarma Software Research Pty Ltd. The version of the file TsuDll.dll: 2012.03.20.0933A. The TsuDll.dll is a part of software product: Tarma? InstallMate LegalCopyright: ? 1990-2012 Tarma Software Research Pty Ltd. Comments: […]


PATROLPRO.DLL The file patrolpro.dll description is: WinPatrol Helper DLL. The file patrolpro.dll is related to the BillP Studios. The version of the file patrolpro.dll: The patrolpro.dll is a part of software product: BillP Studios Window Detection LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 2005-2007 BillP Studios. Comments: This file lets Scotty know when changes are made and does […]