Category Archives: TipaTop

Radio W Toolbar

Radio W Toolbar This software does not change the Windows boot time. PRXTBRADI.DLL Description: Conduit Toolbar Conduit Ltd. Conduit Toolbar MD5= 4C163BD2A5905D18893EE311608E8C54 File is signed and the signature was verified. File size= 176936 Related registry changes: HKLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\CLSID\{212AC4D1-D5DC-43EE-A6D1-0FDC237F2655}\INPROCSERVER32\: “%PROGRAM FILES%\RADIO_W\PRXTBRADI.DLL” HKLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\CLSID\{B4EFB02B-CD4A-44B9-B5D9-AA486CDFFAB6}\INPROCSERVER32\: “%PROGRAM FILES%\RADIO_W\PRXTBRADI.DLL” HKLM\SOFTWARE\RADIO_W\TOOLBAR\PROXYDLLPATH: “%PROGRAM FILES%\RADIO_W\PRXTBRADI.DLL“ I recommend you UnHackMe – Ultimate Malware Killer […]


RADIO_WAUTOUPDATEHELPER.EXE The file Radio_WAutoUpdateHelper.exe has internal name: ToolbarH.exe. The file Radio_WAutoUpdateHelper.exe description is: ToolbarH Application. The version of the file Radio_WAutoUpdateHelper.exe: 1, 0, 1, 0. The Radio_WAutoUpdateHelper.exe is a part of software product: ToolbarH Application LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) 2009. The file Radio_WAutoUpdateHelper.exe size is: 65 832 bytes. Default location: %Local Appdata%\Conduit\CT2127165\Radio_WAutoUpdateHelper.exe Radio_WAutoUpdateHelper.exe MD5: DA11D78D765E4B8FA4CFA5A37E8A94FF Radio_WAutoUpdateHelper.exe […]


RADIO_WTOOLBARHELPER.EXE The file Radio_WToolbarHelper.exe has internal name: ToolbarH.exe. The file Radio_WToolbarHelper.exe description is: ToolbarH Application. The version of the file Radio_WToolbarHelper.exe: 1, 0, 1, 0. The Radio_WToolbarHelper.exe is a part of software product: ToolbarH Application LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) 2009. The file Radio_WToolbarHelper.exe size is: 65 832 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\Radio_W\Radio_WToolbarHelper.exe Radio_WToolbarHelper.exe MD5: DA11D78D765E4B8FA4CFA5A37E8A94FF Radio_WToolbarHelper.exe […]


TBEDRS.DLL The file tbedrs.dll has internal name: Conduit Toolbar. The file tbedrs.dll description is: Conduit Toolbar. The file tbedrs.dll is related to the Conduit Ltd.. The version of the file tbedrs.dll: The tbedrs.dll is a part of software product: Conduit Toolbar LegalCopyright: Copyright ? Conduit Ltd. 2010.. Comments: Conduit Toolbar ver 1.0. The file […]


TBRADI.DLL The file tbRadi.dll has internal name: Conduit Toolbar. The file tbRadi.dll description is: Conduit Toolbar. The file tbRadi.dll is related to the Conduit Ltd.. The version of the file tbRadi.dll: The tbRadi.dll is a part of software product: Conduit Toolbar LegalCopyright: Copyright ? Conduit Ltd. 2010.. Comments: Conduit Toolbar ver 1.0. The file […]


LDRTBRADI.DLL The file ldrtbRadi.dll has internal name: Conduit Toolbar. The file ldrtbRadi.dll description is: Conduit Toolbar. The file ldrtbRadi.dll is related to the Conduit Ltd.. The version of the file ldrtbRadi.dll: The ldrtbRadi.dll is a part of software product: Conduit Toolbar LegalCopyright: Copyright ? Conduit Ltd. 2010.. Comments: Conduit Toolbar ver 1.0. The file […]


PRXTBRADI.DLL The file prxtbRadi.dll has internal name: Conduit Toolbar. The file prxtbRadi.dll description is: Conduit Toolbar. The file prxtbRadi.dll is related to the Conduit Ltd.. The version of the file prxtbRadi.dll: The prxtbRadi.dll is a part of software product: Conduit Toolbar LegalCopyright: Copyright ? Conduit Ltd. 2010.. Comments: Conduit Toolbar ver 1.0. The file […]