Category Archives: AVGInternetSecurity2013


ROC_ROC_SSL_V12.EXE The file ROC_roc_ssl_v12.exe has the internal name: ReOfferCampaign.exe. The version of the file ROC_roc_ssl_v12.exe: LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) 2011 . All rights reserved.. The file ROC_roc_ssl_v12.exe size is: 1 020 512 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\AVG Secure Search\ROC_roc_ssl_v12.exe ROC_roc_ssl_v12.exe MD5: 86E3E5C69AF0354B9CC0ED86D1D17F11 ROC_roc_ssl_v12.exe SHA1: F6BDEC59 D6983B3E 8B979DDE 5752B0A0 6D477C6E The ROC_ROC_SSL_V12.EXE related files: ADVAPI32.dll COMCTL32.dll […]


OI_{257BA217-41E3-4D7D-B946-86A6713AF19D}.EXE The file oi_{257BA217-41E3-4D7D-B946-86A6713AF19D}.exe has the internal name: AVG Installer. The file oi_{257BA217-41E3-4D7D-B946-86A6713AF19D}.exe description is: AVG Installer. The version of the file oi_{257BA217-41E3-4D7D-B946-86A6713AF19D}.exe: 13, 2, 0, 3. The oi_{257BA217-41E3-4D7D-B946-86A6713AF19D}.exe is a part of software product: AVG Installer LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) 2012. The file oi_{257BA217-41E3-4D7D-B946-86A6713AF19D}.exe size is: 2 986 080 bytes. Default location: %Temp%\oi_{257BA217-41E3-4D7D-B946-86A6713AF19D}.exe oi_{257BA217-41E3-4D7D-B946-86A6713AF19D}.exe MD5: […]


PERC2.SYS The file perc2.sys has the internal name: perc2.sys. The file perc2.sys description is: PERC 2 Miniport Driver. The file perc2.sys is related to the Microsoft Corporation. The version of the file perc2.sys: 5.1.2467.0 (Lab01_N(johnstra).010423-0023). The perc2.sys is a part of software product: Microsoft? Windows? Operating System LegalCopyright: ? Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.. The […]


HPN.SYS The file hpn.sys has the internal name: hpn.sys. The file hpn.sys description is: NetRAID-4M Miniport Driver. The file hpn.sys is related to the Microsoft Corporation. The version of the file hpn.sys: 5.1.2467.0 (Lab01_N(johnstra).010423-0023). The hpn.sys is a part of software product: Microsoft? Windows? Operating System LegalCopyright: ? Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.. The file […]


I2OMP.SYS The file i2omp.sys has the internal name: i2omp.sys. The file i2omp.sys description is: I2O Miniport Driver. The file i2omp.sys is related to the Microsoft Corporation. The version of the file i2omp.sys: (xpsp.080413-2108). The i2omp.sys is a part of software product: Microsoft? Windows? Operating System LegalCopyright: ? Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.. The file […]


INI910U.SYS The file ini910u.sys has the internal name: ini910u.sys. The file ini910u.sys description is: INITIO ini910u SCSI miniport. The file ini910u.sys is related to the Microsoft Corporation. The version of the file ini910u.sys: 2.17 (XPClient.010817-1148). The ini910u.sys is a part of software product: Microsoft? Windows? Operating System LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) Initio corp. 1994-1999. The file […]


MFC100CHS.DLL The file mfc100chs.dll has the internal name: MFC100CHS.DLL. The file mfc100chs.dll description is: MFC Language Specific Resources. The file mfc100chs.dll is related to the Microsoft Corporation. The version of the file mfc100chs.dll: 10.00.40219.01. The mfc100chs.dll is a part of software product: Microsoft? Visual Studio? 10 LegalCopyright: ? Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.. The file […]


MFC100CHT.DLL The file mfc100cht.dll has the internal name: MFC100CHT.DLL. The file mfc100cht.dll description is: MFC Language Specific Resources. The file mfc100cht.dll is related to the Microsoft Corporation. The version of the file mfc100cht.dll: 10.00.40219.01. The mfc100cht.dll is a part of software product: Microsoft? Visual Studio? 10 LegalCopyright: ? Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.. The file […]


MFC100DEU.DLL The file mfc100deu.dll has the internal name: MFC100DEU.DLL. The file mfc100deu.dll description is: MFC Language Specific Resources. The file mfc100deu.dll is related to the Microsoft Corporation. The version of the file mfc100deu.dll: 10.00.40219.01. The mfc100deu.dll is a part of software product: Microsoft? Visual Studio? 10 LegalCopyright: ? Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.. The file […]


MFC100ENU.DLL The file mfc100enu.dll has the internal name: MFC100ENU.DLL. The file mfc100enu.dll description is: MFC Language Specific Resources. The file mfc100enu.dll is related to the Microsoft Corporation. The version of the file mfc100enu.dll: 10.00.40219.01. The mfc100enu.dll is a part of software product: Microsoft? Visual Studio? 10 LegalCopyright: ? Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.. The file […]