Category Archives: SongBird


SBDEVICEMANAGER2.DLL The file sbDeviceManager2.dll size is: 536 576 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\Songbird\components\sbDeviceManager2.dll sbDeviceManager2.dll MD5: B935F686CD3B0FB3AF79BB9E26954F02 sbDeviceManager2.dll SHA1: 38B73D65 08B4F701 8FB01BE6 676D2FF3 340CC464 The SBDEVICEMANAGER2.DLL related files: KERNEL32.dll MOZCRT19.dll nspr4.dll sbDeviceManager2.dll xpcom.dll I recommend you UnHackMe – Ultimate Malware Killer for fast malware removal: Download UnHackMe Fully Functional 30-day Trial. No credit is required. Reviews. […]


SBDIRECTORYPROVIDER.DLL The file sbDirectoryProvider.dll size is: 13 824 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\Songbird\components\sbDirectoryProvider.dll sbDirectoryProvider.dll MD5: 04B7BE84E1F020CB38D475A6FDCC8FD1 sbDirectoryProvider.dll SHA1: 2A1ED452 3A21C978 F2D6A575 EB0E6345 C9B53196 The SBDIRECTORYPROVIDER.DLL related files: KERNEL32.dll MOZCRT19.dll nspr4.dll sbDirectoryProvider.dll SHELL32.dll xpcom.dll I recommend you UnHackMe – Ultimate Malware Killer for fast malware removal: Download UnHackMe Fully Functional 30-day Trial. No credit is required. […]


MOZCTLX.DLL The file mozctlx.dll is related to the Mozilla Foundation. The version of the file mozctlx.dll: The mozctlx.dll is a part of software product: XULRunner LegalCopyright: License: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1. The file mozctlx.dll size is: 11 264 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\Songbird\xulrunner\mozctlx.dll mozctlx.dll MD5: 925F078BFAC799EC94F57588FB8326F8 mozctlx.dll SHA1: 3F1B2AD8 8EAC0ECD 8E46A222 96BD15FC AE19361D Registry […]


OGG-0.DLL The file ogg-0.dll size is: 34 304 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\Songbird\lib\ogg-0.dll ogg-0.dll MD5: BB86E032B83F12D3B99F50566B77CD53 ogg-0.dll SHA1: EB337134 E5EEAB63 6DDE79B1 EBB532C0 CCFF7C53 The OGG-0.DLL related files: KERNEL32.dll MOZCRT19.dll ogg-0.dll I recommend you UnHackMe – Ultimate Malware Killer for fast malware removal: Download UnHackMe Fully Functional 30-day Trial. No credit is required. Reviews. EULA. Privacy […]


RDSCONFIG.EXE The file rdsconfig.exe size is: 90 112 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\Songbird\rdsconfig.exe rdsconfig.exe MD5: 8916C5E1A174329F51558471849E7584 rdsconfig.exe SHA1: 9F252157 D2F4E3D6 5113C899 2C7A29E7 14C0DA50 The RDSCONFIG.EXE related files: ADVAPI32.dll CRYPT32.dll KERNEL32.DLL mscoree.dll ole32.dll OLEAUT32.dll SHELL32.dll SHLWAPI.dll USER32.DLL I recommend you UnHackMe – Ultimate Malware Killer for fast malware removal: Download UnHackMe Fully Functional 30-day Trial. No […]


SBALBUMART.DLL The file sbAlbumArt.dll size is: 118 784 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\Songbird\components\sbAlbumArt.dll sbAlbumArt.dll MD5: 7B57A259D2F16C5AD5A55E5A993DF43F sbAlbumArt.dll SHA1: B61977AB F6D734BC 488EC5F7 CFE2A400 F3A1E0A4 The SBALBUMART.DLL related files: KERNEL32.dll MOZCRT19.dll nspr4.dll sbAlbumArt.dll xpcom.dll I recommend you UnHackMe – Ultimate Malware Killer for fast malware removal: Download UnHackMe Fully Functional 30-day Trial. No credit is required. Reviews. […]


SBAUTOPLAYUTIL.EXE The file sbAutoPlayUtil.exe size is: 135 168 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\Songbird\sbAutoPlayUtil.exe sbAutoPlayUtil.exe MD5: 3DDBCF76931C58229D21E7F83CD36D89 sbAutoPlayUtil.exe SHA1: CB61E582 ABE60173 1149F4C5 F831BD84 18DF5121 Registry strings in the sbAutoPlayUtil.exe: Software\Classes\ Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoPlayHandlers\EventHandlers\MTPMediaPlayerArrival Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoPlayHandlers\EventHandlers\PlayCDAudioOnArrival Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoPlayHandlers\EventHandlers\PlayMusicFilesOnArrival Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoPlayHandlers\EventHandlers\WPD\Sink\ Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoPlayHandlers\Handlers\ The SBAUTOPLAYUTIL.EXE related files: ADVAPI32.dll KERNEL32.DLL mscoree.dll SHELL32.dll USER32.DLL I recommend you UnHackMe – Ultimate Malware Killer for fast malware removal: […]


MOZCTL.DLL The file mozctl.dll has internal name: MOZCTL.DLL. The file mozctl.dll description is: Mozilla ActiveX control and plugin module. The version of the file mozctl.dll: 1, 0, 0, 1. The mozctl.dll is a part of software product: Mozilla ActiveX control and plugin support LegalCopyright: Copyright 1999. The file mozctl.dll size is: 220 160 bytes. Default […]


GSTVIDEOBOX.DLL The file gstvideobox.dll size is: 39 936 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\Songbird\gst-plugins\gstvideobox.dll gstvideobox.dll MD5: 26EA5E0DFD4C59A335E559155E1FB670 gstvideobox.dll SHA1: 8997C050 0040B123 F0F6F533 91F29DEA 3345896C The GSTVIDEOBOX.DLL related files: gstbase-0.10–0.dll gstreamer-0.10–0.dll gstvideobox.dll KERNEL32.dll libglib-2.0–0.dll libgobject-2.0–0.dll MOZCRT19.dll I recommend you UnHackMe – Ultimate Malware Killer for fast malware removal: Download UnHackMe Fully Functional 30-day Trial. No credit is […]


GSTVIDEOCROP.DLL The file gstvideocrop.dll size is: 61 952 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\Songbird\gst-plugins\gstvideocrop.dll gstvideocrop.dll MD5: 9A3746345D4EBA2029CB0CEA64DCBAE5 gstvideocrop.dll SHA1: A904306A 88CD0882 D78D9413 B4678747 5FE651A5 The GSTVIDEOCROP.DLL related files: gstbase-0.10–0.dll gstreamer-0.10–0.dll gstvideocrop.dll KERNEL32.dll libglib-2.0–0.dll libgobject-2.0–0.dll MOZCRT19.dll I recommend you UnHackMe – Ultimate Malware Killer for fast malware removal: Download UnHackMe Fully Functional 30-day Trial. No credit is […]