Category Archives: Download Managers


UNWISE.EXE The file UNWISE.EXE size is: 153 088 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\DAP\UNWISE.EXE UNWISE.EXE MD5: 973567B98CDFC147DF4E60471D9DF072 UNWISE.EXE SHA1: 3C473575 0C99C63E 6861170A 8C459A60 8594211E Registry strings in the UNWISE.EXE: Software\Borland Software\Borland\BLW32 Software\Borland\Database Engine SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs Software\Wise Solutions\WamUser Software\Wise Solutions\Wise Installation System\Repair\ The UNWISE.EXE related files: ADVAPI32.dll comdlg32.dll GDI32.dll ismif32.dll KERNEL32.dll ole32.dll SFC.DLL SHELL32.dll user32.dll […]


MCMGR.DLL The file MCMgr.dll has internal name: MCMgr.DLL. The file MCMgr.dll description is: DAP Message Center. The file MCMgr.dll is related to the SpeedBit Ltd.. The version of the file MCMgr.dll: 9, 3, 0, 4. The MCMgr.dll is a part of software product: DAP Message Center LegalCopyright: Copyright (c) 1999-2011 SpeedBit Ltd. The file MCMgr.dll […]


VA33_DAPSO.EXE The file VA33_DapSo.exe size is: 2 451 176 bytes. Default location: %Common Appdata%\SpeedBit\DAP\Offers\VA33_DapSo.exe VA33_DapSo.exe MD5: F032C218ACB55B8EA4541EB40B8AF7B9 VA33_DapSo.exe SHA1: A95E5D68 1EEDBF51 FA1C01C7 9735B586 0041B2EE The VA33_DAPSO.EXE related files: ADVAPI32.dll Could not extract Wise0132.dll to GDI32.dll KERNEL32.dll USER32.dll I recommend you UnHackMe – Ultimate Malware Killer for fast malware removal: Download UnHackMe Fully Functional 30-day Trial. […]


ANIGIF.OCX The file AniGIF.ocx has internal name: ANIGIF.OCX. The file AniGIF.ocx description is: Animation GIF Control. The file AniGIF.ocx is related to the Jin Hui E-mail: Web: The version of the file AniGIF.ocx: 2, 2, 5, 5. The AniGIF.ocx is a part of software product: Animation GIF Control LegalCopyright: Copyright 1996 – 1998, […]


DAPOP.DLL The file dapop.dll has internal name: DAPOP.DLL. The file dapop.dll description is: Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) Opera/NS6 plugin. The file dapop.dll is related to the SpeedBit Ltd.. The version of the file dapop.dll: 9, 2, 0, 1. The dapop.dll is a part of software product: Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) Opera/NS6 plugin LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) […]


BROWSERSET.DLL The file BrowserSet.dll has internal name: BrowserSet.dll. The file BrowserSet.dll description is: BrowserSet. The file BrowserSet.dll is related to the Speedbit Ltd.. The version of the file BrowserSet.dll: 1, 1, 2, 3. The BrowserSet.dll is a part of software product: BrowserSet LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 1999-2008 Speedbit Ltd. The file BrowserSet.dll size is: 100 512 […]


DAPREMOVE.EXE The file DapRemove.exe has internal name: DapRemove.exe. The file DapRemove.exe description is: DAP Uninstall. The file DapRemove.exe is related to the Speedbit Ltd.. The version of the file DapRemove.exe: 9, 5, 0, 3. The DapRemove.exe is a part of software product: DAP Uninstall LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) 1999 – 2011 SpeedBit Ltd.. The file DapRemove.exe […]


CABEX.DLL The file cabex.dll size is: 100 488 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\DAP\cabex.dll cabex.dll MD5: C40B027BBEF8E12276203BD2D490BD6B cabex.dll SHA1: E05707A4 24EAD3E0 EEE13383 3869863F 932CCA08 Registry strings in the cabex.dll: SOFTWARE\Google\NavClient Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager The CABEX.DLL related files: ADVAPI32.dll CABEX.dll KERNEL32.dll user32.dll I recommend you UnHackMe – Ultimate Malware Killer for fast malware removal: […]


DAPRES.DLL The file dapres.dll has internal name: daprs32.dll. The file dapres.dll description is: Download Accelerator Plus 32-bit Resource module. The file dapres.dll is related to the SpeedBit Ltd.. The version of the file dapres.dll: 8, 0, 4, 2. The dapres.dll is a part of software product: dapres Dynamic Link Library LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) 1999 – […]


CLEANERIEMENU.DLL The file CleanerIEMenu.dll has internal name: CleanerIEMenu.DLL. The file CleanerIEMenu.dll description is: CleanerIEMenu Module. The file CleanerIEMenu.dll is related to the Speedbit Ltd.. The version of the file CleanerIEMenu.dll: 8, 5, 0, 1. The CleanerIEMenu.dll is a part of software product: CleanerIEMenu Module LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) 1999 – 2011 SpeedBit Ltd.. The file CleanerIEMenu.dll […]