Category Archives: Office Tools


PDFLIB.DLL The file pdflib.dll has internal name: pdflib.dll. The file pdflib.dll description is: PDFlib – a library for generating PDF on the fly. The file pdflib.dll is related to the PDFlib GmbH. The version of the file pdflib.dll: 7.0.3. The pdflib.dll is a part of software product: PDFlib for Windows LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 1997-2007 PDFlib […]


PDFTOOL.DLL The file pdftool.dll has internal name: pdftool.dll. The file pdftool.dll description is: Kingsoft Office Module. The file pdftool.dll is related to the Zhuhai Kingsoft Office-software Co.,Ltd. The version of the file pdftool.dll: 8,1,0,3020. The pdftool.dll is a part of software product: Kingsoft Office LegalCopyright: Copyright?1988-2011 Kingsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.. The file pdftool.dll size […]


REPAIRINST.EXE The file repairinst.exe description is: Kingsoft Install Application. The file repairinst.exe is related to the Kingsoft Corp. Ltd.. The version of the file repairinst.exe: The repairinst.exe is a part of software product: Kingsoft Office LegalCopyright: Copyright(c)1988-2011 Kingsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.. Comments: Kingsoft Install Application. The file repairinst.exe size is: 472 984 bytes. […]


SETLANG.EXE The file setlang.exe has internal name: setlang.exe. The file setlang.exe description is: Kingsoft Office Language setting. The file setlang.exe is related to the Zhuhai Kingsoft Office-software Co.,Ltd. The version of the file setlang.exe: 8,1,0,3020. The setlang.exe is a part of software product: Kingsoft Office LegalCopyright: Copyright?1988-2011 Kingsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.. The file setlang.exe […]


KSOMISC.EXE The file ksomisc.exe has internal name: ksomisc.exe. The file ksomisc.exe description is: Kingsoft Office Module. The file ksomisc.exe is related to the Zhuhai Kingsoft Office-software Co.,Ltd. The version of the file ksomisc.exe: 8,1,0,3020. The ksomisc.exe is a part of software product: Kingsoft Office LegalCopyright: Copyright?1988-2011 Kingsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.. The file ksomisc.exe size […]


KSXML.DLL The file ksxml.dll has internal name: ksxml.dll. The file ksxml.dll description is: KFC XML Module. The file ksxml.dll is related to the Zhuhai Kingsoft Office-software Co.,Ltd. The version of the file ksxml.dll: 8,1,0,3020. The ksxml.dll is a part of software product: Kingsoft Office LegalCopyright: Copyright?1988-2011 Kingsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.. The file ksxml.dll size […]


KXSHARE.DLL The file kxshare.dll has internal name: kxshare.dll. The file kxshare.dll description is: kxshare. The file kxshare.dll is related to the Zhuhai Kingsoft Office-software Co.,Ltd. The version of the file kxshare.dll: 8,1,0,3020. The kxshare.dll is a part of software product: Kingsoft Office LegalCopyright: Copyright?1988-2011 Kingsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.. The file kxshare.dll size is: 4 […]


OEM.EXE The file oem.exe size is: 42 008 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%KingsoftKingsoft Spreadsheetsoffice6cfgsoeminfooem.exe oem.exe MD5: D90DA4EBC585549183B9D0C2E14792B3 oem.exe SHA1: 0BCFD857 1F2101F5 7988D40D 559B7AEF 91084754 Registry strings in the oem.exe: SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion The OEM.EXE related files: ADVAPI32.dll COMCTL32.dll GDI32.dll KERNEL32.dll ole32.dll SHELL32.dll USER32.dll VERSION.dll I recommend you UnHackMe – Ultimate Malware Killer for fast malware removal: Download […]


OLEDEFAULTHANDLER.DLL The file oledefaulthandler.dll has internal name: oledefaulthandler.dll. The file oledefaulthandler.dll description is: Kingsoft Office oledefaulthandler. The file oledefaulthandler.dll is related to the Zhuhai Kingsoft Office-software Co.,Ltd. The version of the file oledefaulthandler.dll: 8,1,0,3020. The oledefaulthandler.dll is a part of software product: Kingsoft Office LegalCopyright: Copyright?1988-2011 Kingsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.. The file oledefaulthandler.dll size […]


KFC12.DLL The file kfc12.dll has internal name: kfc12.dll. The file kfc12.dll description is: Kingsoft Fundamental Class Module. The file kfc12.dll is related to the Zhuhai Kingsoft Office-software Co.,Ltd. The version of the file kfc12.dll: 8,1,0,3020. The kfc12.dll is a part of software product: Kingsoft Office LegalCopyright: Copyright?1988-2011 Kingsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.. The file kfc12.dll […]