Tag Archives: GAF.AX


GAF.AX The file GAF.ax size is: 1 437 696 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\GRETECH\GomPlayer\GAF.ax GAF.ax MD5: B2771FDBFA4B1FE3676DD902A2D82C7C GAF.ax SHA1: 22D400C9 C21E3F2B FC66BCE8 A3CDBB09 EE525E0D Registry strings in the GAF.ax: Software\GRETECH\GomPlayer The GAF.AX related files: \DiCON\GAF\Bin\QSCL.dll \QSCL.dll ADVAPI32.dll COMCTL32.dll kernel32.dll mscoree.dll ole32.dll OleAut32.dll user32.dll WINMM.dll I recommend you UnHackMe – Ultimate Malware Killer for fast malware […]