Tag Archives: SweetIM Technologies Ltd.


MGSQLITE3.DLL The file mgSqlite3.dll description is: SQLite DLL. The file mgSqlite3.dll is related to the SweetIM Technologies Ltd.. The version of the file mgSqlite3.dll: 3, 7, 3, 0. LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 2010 SweetIM Technologies Ltd.. The file mgSqlite3.dll size is: 393 016 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\SweetIM\Messenger\resources\sqlite\mgSqlite3.dll mgSqlite3.dll MD5: 8A4AF3B0695F29186AD02E2FD766FA3B mgSqlite3.dll SHA1: C8F1E3F2 8152C6C0 10B7AE8F […]


MGSWEETIM.DLL The file mgSweetIM.dll has internal name: mgSweetIM.dll. The file mgSweetIM.dll description is: SweetIM. The file mgSweetIM.dll is related to the SweetIM Technologies Ltd.. The version of the file mgSweetIM.dll: 3, 7, 0, 5. The mgSweetIM.dll is a part of software product: SweetIM LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 2008 SweetIM Technologies Ltd.. The file mgSweetIM.dll size is: […]


MGTOOLBARIE.DLL The file mgToolbarIE.dll has internal name: mgToolbarIE.dll. The file mgToolbarIE.dll description is: SweetPacks Toolbar module for Internet Explorer. The file mgToolbarIE.dll is related to the SweetIM Technologies Ltd.. The version of the file mgToolbarIE.dll: 4, 6, 0, 4. The mgToolbarIE.dll is a part of software product: SweetPacks Toolbar for Internet Explorer LegalCopyright: Copyright […]


MGHELPERAPP.EXE The file mgHelperApp.exe has internal name: HelperApp.exe. The file mgHelperApp.exe description is: IE Toolbar Helper Application. The file mgHelperApp.exe is related to the SweetIM Technologies Ltd.. The version of the file mgHelperApp.exe: 4, 6, 0, 4. The mgHelperApp.exe is a part of software product: SweetPacks Toolbar for Internet Explorer LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 2012 […]


MGHOOKING.DLL The file mghooking.dll has internal name: mghooking.dll. The file mghooking.dll description is: hooking. The file mghooking.dll is related to the SweetIM Technologies Ltd.. The version of the file mghooking.dll: 4, 6, 0, 4. The mghooking.dll is a part of software product: SweetPacks Toolbar for Internet Explorer LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 2012 SweetIM Technologies Ltd.. […]


MGICQAUTO.DLL The file mgICQAuto.dll has internal name: mgICQAuto.dll. The file mgICQAuto.dll description is: ICQAuto. The file mgICQAuto.dll is related to the SweetIM Technologies Ltd.. The version of the file mgICQAuto.dll: 3, 7, 0, 5. The mgICQAuto.dll is a part of software product: ICQAuto LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 2008 SweetIM Technologies Ltd.. The file mgICQAuto.dll size is: […]


MGICQMESSENGERADAPTER.DLL The file mgICQMessengerAdapter.dll has internal name: mgICQMessengerAdapter.dll. The file mgICQMessengerAdapter.dll description is: ICQMessengerAdapter. The file mgICQMessengerAdapter.dll is related to the SweetIM Technologies Ltd.. The version of the file mgICQMessengerAdapter.dll: 3, 7, 0, 5. The mgICQMessengerAdapter.dll is a part of software product: ICQMessengerAdapter LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 2008 SweetIM Technologies Ltd.. The file mgICQMessengerAdapter.dll size is: […]


MGLOGGER.DLL The file mglogger.dll has internal name: mgLogger. The file mglogger.dll description is: Logger. The file mglogger.dll is related to the SweetIM Technologies Ltd.. The version of the file mglogger.dll: 4, 6, 0, 4. The mglogger.dll is a part of software product: SweetPacks Toolbar for Internet Explorer LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 2012 SweetIM Technologies Ltd.. […]


MGMEDIAPLAYER.DLL The file mgMediaPlayer.dll has internal name: mgMediaPlayer.DLL. The file mgMediaPlayer.dll description is: MediaPlayer. The file mgMediaPlayer.dll is related to the SweetIM Technologies Ltd.. The version of the file mgMediaPlayer.dll: 3, 7, 0, 5. The mgMediaPlayer.dll is a part of software product: MediaPlayer LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 2008 SweetIM Technologies Ltd.. The file mgMediaPlayer.dll size is: […]


MGMSNAUTO.DLL The file mgMsnAuto.dll has internal name: mgMsnAuto.dll. The file mgMsnAuto.dll description is: MsnAuto. The file mgMsnAuto.dll is related to the SweetIM Technologies Ltd.. The version of the file mgMsnAuto.dll: 3, 7, 0, 5. The mgMsnAuto.dll is a part of software product: MsnAuto LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 2008 SweetIM Technologies Ltd.. The file mgMsnAuto.dll size is: […]