The file Resources_64.dll has internal name: Resources.Dll . The file Resources_64.dll description is: Resource DLL . The file Resources_64.dll is related to the Lavasoft Limited. The version of the file Resources_64.dll: 9, 0, 1, 0. The Resources_64.dll is a part of software product: Ad-Aware Resources LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) 2011. All rights reserved..
The file Resources_64.dll size is: 1 642 840 bytes.
Default location: \Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware\Resources_64.dll
Resources_64.dll MD5: 6A26C2BAE081A5D8B6D5EA38AE22C1BE
Resources_64.dll SHA1: 80E32E4C E30A4360 28ADE3F3 10DB9246 A323A070
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