The file BExternal.dll has internal name: BExternal.dll. The file BExternal.dll description is: Setup Addon. The file BExternal.dll is related to the Babylon Ltd.. The version of the file BExternal.dll: The BExternal.dll is a part of software product: BExternal LegalCopyright: Copyright ? Babylon Ltd. 1997-2012.
The file BExternal.dll size is: 129 536 bytes.
Default location: %Local Appdata%BabylonSetupBExternal.dll
BExternal.dll MD5: 743ACBF54EB091066BE6AB3CB12C5988
BExternal.dll SHA1: 43A20598 5790C47A 7E611FA2 D3CAB9B4 EB59121F
The BEXTERNAL.DLL related files:
ADVAPI32.dll BEXTERNAL.dll KERNEL32.dll nspr4.dll OLEAUT32.dll USER32.DLL xpcom.dll
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