The file opera.exe has the internal name: launcher.exe. The file opera.exe description is: Opera Internet Browser. The file opera.exe is related to the Opera Software. The version of the file opera.exe: 15.0.1147.18. The opera.exe is a part of software product: Opera Internet Browser LegalCopyright: Copyright ? Opera Software 2013.
The file opera.exe size is: 39 415 648 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%\Opera Next\15.0.1147.18\opera.exe
opera.exe MD5: 680B6819E3772EA274322F7E9C454741
opera.exe SHA1: 4ACB9E1F 93644E32 BB458DA7 E9D77957 8D0E2076
Registry strings in the opera.exe:
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\GMT
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Time Zones
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Time Zones\
The OPERA.EXE related files:
advapi32.dll COMCTL32.dll COMDLG32.dll cros.system.releaseChannel CRYPT32.dll CRYPTUI.dll d3d9.dll DebugCommandProcessor.prototype.systemBreak=function dhcpcsvc.DLL DINPUT8.dll driver.dll dwmapi.dll dxva2.dll experimental.systemInfo.cpu.onUpdated experimental.systemInfo.storage.onAdded experimental.systemInfo.storage.onAvailableCapacityChanged experimental.systemInfo.storage.onRemoved ffmpegsumo.dll fsdomsrv.dll GDI32.dll ia2.dll icudt.dll imm32.dll Iphlpapi.dll kernel32.dll libxml2.dll metrics.stability.system MFPlat.DLL MFReadWrite.dll nssckbi.dll nssdbm3.dll ntdll.dll ole32.dll OLEACC.dll OLEAUT32.dll Preload setupapi.dll PrintPreview.PageCount.SystemDialog PSAPI.DLL RPCRT4.dll Secur32.dll SETUPAPI.dll shell32.dll SHLWAPI.dll softokn3.dll stsaw32.dll urlmon.dll user32.dll USERENV.dll USP10.dll VERSION.dll WINHTTP.dll WINMM.dll WTSAPI32.dll zslhook.dll
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