Category Archives: Browser Toolbar


12SKPLAY.EXE The file 12skplay.exe has internal name: SKINPLAYEXE_NAME.exe. The file 12skplay.exe description is: COMPANY_NAME Skin Player. The file 12skplay.exe is related to the FULL_COMPANY_NAME. The version of the file 12skplay.exe: 1, 0, 3, 14. The 12skplay.exe is a part of software product: PRODUCT_NAME LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, […]


CREXT.DLL The file CREXT.DLL has internal name: CrExt.dll. The version of the file CREXT.DLL: The file CREXT.DLL size is: 1 161 104 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\MyScrapNook_12\bar\1.bin\CREXT.DLL CREXT.DLL MD5: 4381A23606F65C65266437D3A16A250C CREXT.DLL SHA1: B1AE161E A90F98F9 6E3D9CA2 B093E40A 4F968750 The CREXT.DLL related files:


12SRCAS.DLL The file 12SrcAs.dll has internal name: t8SrcAs.DLL. The file 12SrcAs.dll description is: MindSpark Search Assistant. The file 12SrcAs.dll is related to the MindSpark. The version of the file 12SrcAs.dll: 1, 2, 3, 5. The 12SrcAs.dll is a part of software product: MindSpark Search Assistant for Internet Explorer LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. […]


12SRCHMN.EXE The file 12SrchMn.exe has internal name: t8SrchMn.exe. The file 12SrchMn.exe description is: MindSpark Toolbar Platform SearchScope Monitor. The file 12SrchMn.exe is related to the MindSpark. The version of the file 12SrchMn.exe: 1, 0, 0, 12. The 12SrchMn.exe is a part of software product: MindSpark Toolbar Platform SearchScope Monitor LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 2006, 2007, 2008, […]


12TPINST.DLL The file 12tpinst.dll has internal name: ThirdPartyInstaller.DLL. The file 12tpinst.dll description is: ThirdPartyInstaller Module. The version of the file 12tpinst.dll: 1, 0, 1, 1. The 12tpinst.dll is a part of software product: ThirdPartyInstaller Module LegalCopyright: Copyright 2010, 2011. The file 12tpinst.dll size is: 165 408 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\MyScrapNook_12\bar\1.bin\12tpinst.dll 12tpinst.dll MD5: AA2931D735D7F0A58BE82F8C71A39AED 12tpinst.dll […]


12UABTN.DLL The file 12uabtn.dll has internal name: mwsuabtn.dll. The file 12uabtn.dll description is: FILE_DESCRIPTION. The file 12uabtn.dll is related to the FULL_COMPANY_NAME. The version of the file 12uabtn.dll: 1, 0, 0, 0. The 12uabtn.dll is a part of software product: PRODUCT_NAME LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 2010. The file 12uabtn.dll size is: 42 384 bytes. Default location: […]


CREXTP12.EXE The file CrExtP12.exe has internal name: CrExtProc.exe. The version of the file CrExtP12.exe: The file CrExtP12.exe size is: 1 163 664 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\MyScrapNook_12\bar\1.bin\CrExtP12.exe CrExtP12.exe MD5: D4C31DD6CA6EE7E4BD3144CF92B68414 CrExtP12.exe SHA1: 14C002D4 44CC5D3B CA70543D 7BF933D4 24237389 The CREXTP12.EXE related files: ADVAPI32.dll CRYPT32.dll GDI32.dll ieframe.dll KERNEL32.dll ole32.dll OLEAUT32.dll RPCRT4.dll SETUPAPI.dll SHELL32.dll SHLWAPI.dll urlmon.dll USER32.dll […]


NP12STUB.DLL The file NP12Stub.dll has internal name: NP12Stub.DLL. The file NP12Stub.dll description is: MindSpark Toolbar Platform Plugin Stub for 32-bit Windows. The file NP12Stub.dll is related to the MindSpark. The version of the file NP12Stub.dll: 1, 0, 1, 1. The NP12Stub.dll is a part of software product: MindSpark Toolbar Platform Plugin Stub LegalCopyright: Copyright ? […]


T8EXTEX.DLL The file T8EXTEX.DLL has internal name: ExtensionBaritemEx.DLL. The file T8EXTEX.DLL description is: ExtensionBaritemEx Module. The version of the file T8EXTEX.DLL: 1, 0, 0, 10. The T8EXTEX.DLL is a part of software product: ExtensionBaritemEx Module LegalCopyright: Copyright 2012. The file T8EXTEX.DLL size is: 71 952 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\MyScrapNook_12\bar\1.bin\T8EXTEX.DLL T8EXTEX.DLL MD5: DBBBE84B3872D7081707478203856EFE T8EXTEX.DLL SHA1: […]


T8EXTPEX.DLL The file T8EXTPEX.DLL has internal name: ExtensionProcessEx.DLL. The file T8EXTPEX.DLL description is: ExtensionProcessEx Module. The version of the file T8EXTPEX.DLL: 1, 0, 0, 5. The T8EXTPEX.DLL is a part of software product: ExtensionProcessEx Module LegalCopyright: Copyright 2012. The file T8EXTPEX.DLL size is: 80 536 bytes. Default location: %Program Files%\MyScrapNook_12\bar\1.bin\T8EXTPEX.DLL T8EXTPEX.DLL MD5: 7F98949C5607F96114DD87A538F2B269 T8EXTPEX.DLL SHA1: […]