The file T8EXTEX.DLL has internal name: ExtensionBaritemEx.DLL. The file T8EXTEX.DLL description is: ExtensionBaritemEx Module. The version of the file T8EXTEX.DLL: 1, 0, 0, 10. The T8EXTEX.DLL is a part of software product: ExtensionBaritemEx Module LegalCopyright: Copyright 2012.
The file T8EXTEX.DLL size is: 71 952 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%\MyScrapNook_12\bar\1.bin\T8EXTEX.DLL
T8EXTEX.DLL MD5: DBBBE84B3872D7081707478203856EFE
T8EXTEX.DLL SHA1: 244310F9 81448E11 F34B9981 614B6FA9 BE973446
The T8EXTEX.DLL related files:
advapi32.dll ib:Release/t8ExtEx.dll KERNEL32.dll ole32.dll OLEAUT32.dll t8ExtEx.dll USER32.dll
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