The file System.Configuration.dll has the internal name: System.Configuration.dll. The file System.Configuration.dll description is: System.Configuration.dll. The file System.Configuration.dll is related to the MONO development team. The version of the file System.Configuration.dll: 2.0.50727.1433. The System.Configuration.dll is a part of software product: MONO Common language infrastructure LegalCopyright: (c) various MONO Authors. Comments: System.Configuration.dll.
The file System.Configuration.dll size is: 124 928 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%\Free YouTube Downloader\System.Configuration.dll
System.Configuration.dll MD5: 2521A1903118E2D956C90D17D2AB23AB
System.Configuration.dll SHA1: 7050CDD4 A52AB337 D060BA9B CB5A045D 85A24DB8
mscoree.dll System.Configuration.dll
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