The file consync.dll has internal name: consync.dll. The file consync.dll description is: Windows Live Contacts Sync. The file consync.dll is related to the Microsoft Corporation. The version of the file consync.dll: 14.0.8117.0416. The consync.dll is a part of software product: Windows Live Contacts Sync LegalCopyright: © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved..
The file consync.dll size is: 128 368 bytes.
Default location: \Program Files\Windows Live\Contacts\consync.dll
consync.dll MD5: FE2CDD5BD2EC9472D0F5372296C0B6B0
consync.dll SHA1: 92A61941 3630DCAD C8C4F2D0 6AA16516 C36C2E4F
Registry strings in the consync.dll:
Software\Microsoft\Windows Live\Communications Clients\Contacts
Software\Microsoft\Windows Live\Communications Clients\Contacts\LoggingZones
Software\Microsoft\Windows Live\Communications Clients\Contacts\LoggingZonesLevels
Software\Microsoft\Windows Live\Communications Clients\Shared
The CONSYNC.DLL related files:
ADVAPI32.dll consync.dll Consync.dll 1.0 Type LibraryWW KERNEL32.dll MSVCR80.dll ole32.dll OLEAUT32.dll SHELL32.dll SHLWAPI.dll USER32.dll VERSION.dll wldlog.dll
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