The file hi_h264dec_w.dll has internal name: hi_h264dec_w.dll. The file hi_h264dec_w.dll description is: H.264 PC Decoder (Hi3511 Watermark supported). The file hi_h264dec_w.dll is related to the HiSilicon Technologies Co.,LTD. The version of the file hi_h264dec_w.dll: 2, 1, 0, 4. The hi_h264dec_w.dll is a part of software product: H.264 PC Decoder LegalCopyright: Copyright(C) 2006-2008. HiSilicon Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved..
The file hi_h264dec_w.dll size is: 396 072 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%\FUDVROCX\hi_h264dec_w.dll
hi_h264dec_w.dll MD5: D25B1A944BEB0D29698B252C72711DE8
hi_h264dec_w.dll SHA1: 80AF735F DCB0F15A B8F6D0F6 E9DA3D76 D95D9B9B
The HI_H264DEC_W.DLL related files:
KERNEL32.dll mscoree.dll user32.dll
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