The file CodecTweakTool.exe description is: Setup/Uninstall. The version of the file CodecTweakTool.exe: 51.1052.0.0.
The file CodecTweakTool.exe size is: 1 160 704 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%\K-Lite Codec Pack\Tools\CodecTweakTool.exe
CodecTweakTool.exe MD5: F0A190BC6334030BEB09F5CCC19D72F8
CodecTweakTool.exe SHA1: 84A2AA2C CD98524C 958C8FAE AF12D13D A948D333

Registry strings in the CodecTweakTool.exe:

Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders

The CODECTWEAKTOOL.EXE related files:
advapi32.dll comctl32.dll comdlg32.dll gdi32.dll kernel32.dll mpr.dll msimg32.dll ole32.dll oleaut32.dll shell32.dll SHFOLDER.dll SHLWAPI.dll user32.dll version.dll

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