The file BugSplatRc.dll has internal name: BugSplatRc.DLL. The file BugSplatRc.dll description is: Crash reporting module, Nitro PDF. The file BugSplatRc.dll is related to the Nitro PDF. The version of the file BugSplatRc.dll: 1, 0, 0, 3. The BugSplatRc.dll is a part of software product: BugSplatRc Dynamic Link Library LegalCopyright: NITRO PDF. All rights reserved..
The file BugSplatRc.dll size is: 62 480 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%\Nitro PDF\Reader 2\BugSplatRc.dll
BugSplatRc.dll MD5: 6F201D1FB0DDF16BAB6526B026A5420F
BugSplatRc.dll SHA1: 9ABA006E AC82BBCA 8A7F613A CB6B3944 D5774EF2
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