The file Vista Api.dll has the internal name: Vista Api.dll. The file Vista Api.dll description is: Vista Api. The version of the file Vista Api.dll: The Vista Api.dll is a part of software product: Vista Api LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 2007.
The file Vista Api.dll size is: 73 680 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%\AntiBrowserSpy\Vista Api.dll
Vista Api.dll MD5: 46DF817CDE65FA1C9348AFA828495F3E
Vista Api.dll SHA1: 1DEF7D3D BD61B446 CFBF7A7F 334F2936 42D1E9ED
The VISTA API.DLL related files:
kernel32.dll mscoree.dll shell32.dll user32.dll uxtheme.dll Vista Api.dll
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