The file stpass.exe has the internal name: stpass.exe. The file stpass.exe description is: Kaspersky Password Manager. The file stpass.exe is related to the Kaspersky Lab. The version of the file stpass.exe: The stpass.exe is a part of software product: Kaspersky Password Manager LegalCopyright: ? 1997-2011 Kaspersky Lab ZAO.
The file stpass.exe size is: 3 134 232 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Password Manager\stpass.exe
stpass.exe MD5: 2D87A1177A3F5AE335A567529991B357
stpass.exe SHA1: F5F834F7 B2841BA6 10CB6F28 F51BFEE5 9E3BED27
The STPASS.EXE related files:
advapi32.dll comctl32.dll comdlg32.dll crypt32.dll gdi32.dll imm32.dll kernel32.dll mpr.dll msimg32.dll ole32.dll oleacc.dll oleaut32.dll setupapi.dll shell32.dll shlwapi.dll user32.dll version.dll wininet.dll winmm.dll wsock32.dll
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