The file libcurl.dll has internal name: libcurl.dll. The file libcurl.dll description is: libcurl Shared Library. The file libcurl.dll is related to the The cURL library, The version of the file libcurl.dll: 7.20.0. The libcurl.dll is a part of software product: The cURL library LegalCopyright: ? 1996 – 2009 Daniel Stenberg,
The file libcurl.dll size is: 212 992 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%YouWave_Androidvblibcurl.dll
libcurl.dll MD5: 616D789AF610B84A97ABEC5079710DB6
libcurl.dll SHA1: 4FF0B319 CDD3ABB4 E6015462 23499AA3 B836CED9
The LIBCURL.DLL related files:
32.DLL KERNEL32.dll libcurl.dll MSVCR80.dll WLDAP32.dll WSOCK32.dll
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