The file aswTdi.sys has internal name: aswTdi.sys. The file aswTdi.sys description is: avast! TDI Filter Driver. The file aswTdi.sys is related to the AVAST Software. The version of the file aswTdi.sys: 7.0.1456.0 built by: WinDDK. The aswTdi.sys is a part of software product: avast! Antivirus System LegalCopyright: Copyright (c) 2012 AVAST Software.
The file aswTdi.sys size is: 54 232 bytes.
Default location: %SysDir%\drivers\aswTdi.sys
aswTdi.sys MD5: 7109A9AA551F37CD168C02368465957E
aswTdi.sys SHA1: A3DE1E35 C14F20BC 7D408F9B 1CF20306 D58A4E4E
Registry strings in the aswTdi.sys:
The ASWTDI.SYS related files:
HAL.dll ndis.sys TDI.SYS
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