The file AvastUI.exe has internal name: AvastUi.exe. The file AvastUI.exe description is: avast! Antivirus. The file AvastUI.exe is related to the AVAST Software. The version of the file AvastUI.exe: 7.0.1456.418. The AvastUI.exe is a part of software product: avast! Antivirus LegalCopyright: Copyright (c) 2012 AVAST Software.
The file AvastUI.exe size is: 4 273 976 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastUI.exe
AvastUI.exe MD5: 20C4535969F2006F6082CDF146CD95C4
AvastUI.exe SHA1: E117729E 0C4B7157 C781FBB0 89107F38 BB340CEA
Registry strings in the AvastUI.exe:
Software\AVAST Software\Avast
The AVASTUI.EXE related files:
AavmRpch.dll ADVAPI32.dll afwCoreClient.dll ashBase.dll ashTask.dll aswAux.dll aswCmnBS.dll aswCmnIS.dll aswCmnOS.dll aswLog.dll aswUtil.dll aswW8ntf.dll comctl32.dll COMDLG32.dll DNSAPI.dll GDI32.dll imm32.dll KERNEL32.dll mfc90u.dll Msimg32.dll MSVCP90.dll MSVCR90.dll ole32.dll OLEACC.dll OLEAUT32.dll PSAPI.DLL RPCRT4.dll SHELL32.dll SHLWAPI.dll urlmon.dll user32.dll UXTHEME.DLL VERSION.dll WINHTTP.dll WININET.dll WINMM.dll
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