The file PwrDVDRC.dll description is: PowerDVD Resource. The file PwrDVDRC.dll is related to the CyberLink Corporation. The version of the file PwrDVDRC.dll: 9.00.2401. The PwrDVDRC.dll is a part of software product: CyberLink PowerDVD Player LegalCopyright: Copyright (c) CyberLink Corp. 1997-2009.
The file PwrDVDRC.dll size is: 54 568 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%\CyberLink\PowerDVD12\Movie\Language\rus\PwrDVDRC.dll
PwrDVDRC.dll MD5: 00A669A27E811BD3D27AA06016ECF2DA
PwrDVDRC.dll SHA1: DE0354C0 E87D9FC8 E5E6BBCE 1709401E 63E2CF50
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