The file VDShell.dll has internal name: VDShell.dll. The file VDShell.dll description is: CyberLink Video Decoder Shell. The file VDShell.dll is related to the CyberLink Corp.. The version of the file VDShell.dll: 1.0.2610 . The VDShell.dll is a part of software product: CyberLink VDShell LegalCopyright: Copyright (c) CyberLink Corp. 2009. Comments: CyberLink Video Decoder Shell.
The file VDShell.dll size is: 275 840 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%\CyberLink\PowerDVD12\MediaEspresso\subsys\Video\filter\CLCVD\VDShell.dll
VDShell.dll MD5: B82ECE2320B314D8E1C6FADD48F7F4FA
VDShell.dll SHA1: A6583624 BCCA820E 39793B29 2D290482 7424A59B
Registry strings in the VDShell.dll:
The VDSHELL.DLL related files:
264dc.dll 264dmmx.dll 264dsse.dll 264dsse2.dll 264dsse3.dll 264dxva.dll ADVAPI32.dll cldabc.dll cldabcd.dll cldor2.dll cldor2d.dll cldor2h.dll clm2vdec.dll clm2vdxva.dll clm4vdec.dll clwmvd.dll KERNEL32.dll libm4vdec.dll pthreadVC2.dll SETUPAPI.dll user32.dll vc1dc.dll vc1dd.dll vc1dmmx.dll vc1dsse.dll vc1dsse2.dll vc1dxva.dll VDShell.dll Xdec.dll
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