The file mscorlib.dll has internal name: mscorlib.dll. The file mscorlib.dll description is: Microsoft Common Language Runtime Class Library. The file mscorlib.dll is related to the Microsoft Corporation. The version of the file mscorlib.dll: 4.0.60310.0 (SL_V4_SVC.060310-0000). The mscorlib.dll is a part of software product: Microsoft® Silverlight LegalCopyright: © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.. Comments: Flavor=Retail.
The file mscorlib.dll size is: 1 589 248 bytes.
Default location: \Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\4.0.60310.0\mscorlib.dll
mscorlib.dll MD5: 81A4CD70D57F64E046BD945A45E2415E
mscorlib.dll SHA1: 7BED228E 3082199F FC801D8F EBF0D3A7 C67D76C6
The MSCORLIB.DLL related files:
advapi32.dll kernel32.dll mscoree.dll mscorlib.dll ole32.dll shfolder.dll user32.dll
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