Tag Archives: Camshare Inc.


MM_ENC.DLL The file mm_enc.dll has internal name: mm_enc.dll. The file mm_enc.dll description is: Camshare Video Encoder. The file mm_enc.dll is related to the Camshare Inc.. The version of the file mm_enc.dll: 2, 0, 1, 2. The mm_enc.dll is a part of software product: Camshare Video Encoder LegalCopyright: (c) 2009-2011 Camshare Inc.. The file mm_enc.dll size […]


XFROG.DLL The file XFrog.dll has internal name: XFrog.dll. The file XFrog.dll description is: Advanced Direct3D Rendering sub-system. The file XFrog.dll is related to the Camshare Inc.. The version of the file XFrog.dll: 6, 2, 2, 93. The XFrog.dll is a part of software product: XFrog LegalCopyright: (c) 2003-2012 Camshare Inc.. The file XFrog.dll size is: […]


VIDEOSOURCE.DLL The file videosource.dll has internal name: videosource.dll. The file videosource.dll description is: Video capture/render sub-system. The file videosource.dll is related to the Camshare Inc.. The version of the file videosource.dll: 6, 2, 2, 93. The videosource.dll is a part of software product: Videosource LegalCopyright: (c) 2003-2012 Camshare Inc.. The file videosource.dll size is: 148 […]


MM_DEC.DLL The file mm_dec.dll has internal name: mm_dec.dll. The file mm_dec.dll description is: Camshare Video Decoder. The file mm_dec.dll is related to the Camshare Inc.. The version of the file mm_dec.dll: 2, 0, 1, 2. The mm_dec.dll is a part of software product: Camshare Video Decoder LegalCopyright: (c) 2009-2011 Camshare Inc.. The file mm_dec.dll size […]


CAMFROGNET.EXE The file CamfrogNET.exe has internal name: CamfrogNET.exe. The file CamfrogNET.exe description is: Camfrog Launcher. The file CamfrogNET.exe is related to the Camshare Inc.. The version of the file CamfrogNET.exe: 1, 0, 0, 1. The CamfrogNET.exe is a part of software product: Camfrog Launcher LegalCopyright: (c) 2003-2012 Camshare Inc.. The file CamfrogNET.exe size is: 52 […]


CMNET.DLL The file cmnet.dll has internal name: cmnet.dll. The file cmnet.dll description is: Camfrog chatroom network layer. The file cmnet.dll is related to the Camshare Inc.. The version of the file cmnet.dll: 1, 6, 0, 22. The cmnet.dll is a part of software product: Camshare network layer library LegalCopyright: (c)2003-2011 Camshare Inc.. The file cmnet.dll […]


CM_ACAPTURE.AX The file cm_acapture.ax has internal name: cm_acapture.dll. The file cm_acapture.ax description is: cm_acapture. The file cm_acapture.ax is related to the Camshare Inc.. The version of the file cm_acapture.ax: 6, 2, 2, 93. The cm_acapture.ax is a part of software product: cm_acapture LegalCopyright: (c) 2003-2012 Camshare Inc.. The file cm_acapture.ax size is: 96 648 bytes. […]


CM_ARENDER.AX The file cm_arender.ax has internal name: cm_arender.ax. The file cm_arender.ax description is: cm_arender. The file cm_arender.ax is related to the Camshare Inc.. The version of the file cm_arender.ax: 6, 2, 2, 93. The cm_arender.ax is a part of software product: cm_arender LegalCopyright: (c) 2003-2012 Camshare Inc.. The file cm_arender.ax size is: 120 200 bytes. […]


CM_CAPTURE.AX The file cm_capture.ax has internal name: cm_capture.dll. The file cm_capture.ax description is: Video capture DirectShow filter. The file cm_capture.ax is related to the Camshare Inc.. The version of the file cm_capture.ax: 6, 2, 2, 93. The cm_capture.ax is a part of software product: cm_capture LegalCopyright: (c) 2003-2012 Camshare Inc.. The file cm_capture.ax size is: […]


CM_RENDER.AX The file cm_render.ax has internal name: cm_render.ax. The file cm_render.ax description is: Video render DirectShow filter. The file cm_render.ax is related to the Camshare Inc.. The version of the file cm_render.ax: 6, 2, 2, 93. The cm_render.ax is a part of software product: cm_render LegalCopyright: (c) 2003-2012 Camshare Inc.. The file cm_render.ax size is: […]