The file tsbyuv.dll has internal name: tsbyuv.dll. The file tsbyuv.dll description is: Toshiba Video Codec. The file tsbyuv.dll is related to the Microsoft Corporation. The version of the file tsbyuv.dll: 5.1.2600.0 (XPClient.010817-1148). The tsbyuv.dll is a part of software product: Microsoft? Windows? Operating System LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) Toshiba Corp. 1997.
The file tsbyuv.dll size is: 8 192 bytes.
Default location: %SysDir%\dllcache\tsbyuv.dll
tsbyuv.dll MD5: 1A235B74C54F236B7667AB67E8AE3820
tsbyuv.dll SHA1: 99DDA472 7B17E386 567A4FC9 14B25880 02171404
The TSBYUV.DLL related files:
KERNEL32.dll TSBYUV.dll USER32.dll WINMM.dll
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