The file WSTCODEC.SYS has internal name: wstcodec.sys. The file WSTCODEC.SYS description is: WDM WST Codec Driver. The file WSTCODEC.SYS is related to the Microsoft Corporation. The version of the file WSTCODEC.SYS: 5.3.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2108). The WSTCODEC.SYS is a part of software product: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Operating System LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) Philips Semiconductors. 1981-1999.
The file WSTCODEC.SYS size is: 19 200 bytes.
Default location: %SysDir%\drivers\WSTCODEC.SYS
WSTCODEC.SYS MD5: C98B39829C2BBD34E454150633C62C78
WSTCODEC.SYS SHA1: 969F8032 A3F2F2E0 C6F83468 2B949749 3760D190
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