The file aswData.dll has internal name: aswData.dll. The file aswData.dll description is: avast! UI Layer library. The file aswData.dll is related to the AVAST Software. The version of the file aswData.dll: 7.0.1456.418. The aswData.dll is a part of software product: avast! Antivirus LegalCopyright: Copyright (c) 2012 AVAST Software.
The file aswData.dll size is: 191 080 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%\AVAST Software\Avast\aswData.dll
aswData.dll MD5: ED5A7805411E8598805DE5A064E17603
aswData.dll SHA1: 5DF348A9 67DBDDDC DEC42850 0DBD04B8 7D1352BC
The ASWDATA.DLL related files:
600=”aswNdis.sys is probably NOT loaded, error: 0x Aavm4h.dll AavmRpch.dll ADVAPI32.dll afwCore.dll afwCoreClient.dll ashBase.dll ashTask.dll ashTaskEx.dll aswCmnBS.dll aswCmnOS.dll aswData.dll aswEngLdr.dll aswLog.dll aswProperty.dll KERNEL32.dll MSVCP90.dll MSVCR90.dll RPCRT4.dll SHELL32.dll USER32.dll
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