The file pidalc.dll has internal name: PidAlc.Dll. The file pidalc.dll description is: Alcohol Protection Scanner. The file pidalc.dll is related to the [PiD Team] (CDKiller/TippeX). The version of the file pidalc.dll: The pidalc.dll is a part of software product: Alcohol ProtectionId lite v0.0.0.2 LegalCopyright: Copyright ? [PiD Team] 2010.
The file pidalc.dll size is: 5 120 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%Alcohol SoftAlcohol 52pidalc.dll
pidalc.dll MD5: AFBAD5A9706BCD4E7F9EB1E09C627251
pidalc.dll SHA1: BEB64D5B B0668D34 1D187806 37A1DBB5 0B8D1BD5
The PIDALC.DLL related files:
kernel32.dll pidalc.dll
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