The file AxAutoMntSrv.exe has internal name: AxAutoMntSrv. The file AxAutoMntSrv.exe description is: Alcohol Virtual Drive Auto-mount Service. The file AxAutoMntSrv.exe is related to the Alcohol Soft Development Team. The version of the file AxAutoMntSrv.exe: 1.0. The AxAutoMntSrv.exe is a part of software product: Alcohol Virtual Drive Auto-mount Service LegalCopyright: Copyright(C) 2002-2010 Alcohol Soft Development Team.
The file AxAutoMntSrv.exe size is: 75 624 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%Alcohol SoftAlcohol 52AxAutoMntSrv.exe
AxAutoMntSrv.exe MD5: 7692F4B242E45870873CAF4CB85CF769
AxAutoMntSrv.exe SHA1: 012EBC00 7FECA091 155FEE4A 26A833BD 27B712C9
Registry strings in the AxAutoMntSrv.exe:
SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp Pathsalcohol.exe
The AXAUTOMNTSRV.EXE related files:
ADVAPI32.dll alcoholx.dll KERNEL32.dll ole32.dll user32.dll
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