The file D3DX9_40.dll has internal name: D3DX9D.dll. The file D3DX9_40.dll description is: Direct3D 9 Extensions. The file D3DX9_40.dll is related to the Microsoft Corporation. The version of the file D3DX9_40.dll: 9.24.950.2656. The D3DX9_40.dll is a part of software product: Microsoft? DirectX for Windows? LegalCopyright: Copyright ? Microsoft Corp. 1994-2007.
The file D3DX9_40.dll size is: 4 379 984 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%\CyberLink\PowerDVD12\Common\D3DX9_40.dll
D3DX9_40.dll MD5: EEA5E428CE63804F9B12D21C97B5968F
D3DX9_40.dll SHA1: 77A7F48F 4BDB7E66 ED5E524B B8879E3D A0D6CD1D
Registry strings in the D3DX9_40.dll:
The D3DX9_40.DLL related files:
ADVAPI32.dll d3d10.dll d3d9.dll d3d9d.dll gdi32.dll kernel32.dll msvcrt.dll usp10.dll
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