The file libTzanDVD.dll has internal name: libTzanDVD.dll. The file libTzanDVD.dll description is: CyberLink Tzan Library. The file libTzanDVD.dll is related to the CyberLink Corp.. The version of the file libTzanDVD.dll: 5.5.1222 . The libTzanDVD.dll is a part of software product: CyberLink Tzan Filter LegalCopyright: (c) 2010 CyberLink Corp. All Rights Reserved..
The file libTzanDVD.dll size is: 599 336 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%\CyberLink\PowerDVD12\Common\VideoFilter\libTzanDVD.dll
libTzanDVD.dll MD5: 0EDADE9AB91609418F31ECD467BB7086
libTzanDVD.dll SHA1: 537A7F05 99F9109B 694B8BFD A00A863F 0ACC4582

The LIBTZANDVD.DLL related files:
ADVAPI32.dll KERNEL32.DLL libTzanDVD.dll mscoree.dll RtlCaptureContext function not found in ntdll.dll USER32.DLL

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