The file TapinRadio.exe has internal name: tapinradio.exe. The file TapinRadio.exe description is: Internet Radio Application. The file TapinRadio.exe is related to the Raimersoft. The version of the file TapinRadio.exe: 1, 51, 0, 0. The TapinRadio.exe is a part of software product: TapinRadio LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) 2012.
The file TapinRadio.exe size is: 4 604 928 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%\TapinRadio\TapinRadio.exe
TapinRadio.exe MD5: F5DADD24BF6DCC2EB6E0900787F1AB3C
TapinRadio.exe SHA1: C56C3E29 F85B3463 4201F684 54A88E5C 785E3974
Registry strings in the TapinRadio.exe:
The TAPINRADIO.EXE related files:
aac.dll ADVAPI32.dll BASS.dll BASSCD.dll BASSENC.dll BASSFLAC.dll basswma.dll dbghelp.dll dsp*.dll KERNEL32.dll msi.dll MSVCP90.dll MSVCR90.dll ole32.dll QtCore4.dll QtGui4.dll QtNetwork4.dll SHELL32.dll USER32.dll VERSION.dll wadsp.dll
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