The file rv40.dll has internal name: RV403260.DLL. The file rv40.dll description is: RealVideo. The file rv40.dll is related to the . The version of the file rv40.dll: The rv40.dll is a part of software product: RealVideo (32-bit) LegalCopyright: Copyright(c) RealNetworks, Inc. 1995-2005. All rights reserved. Source code for this program is available under the RealNetworks Public Source License..
The file rv40.dll size is: 49 152 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%\Baidu\BaiduPlayer\\codecs\real\rv40.dll
rv40.dll MD5: 3F33483334CFC4200691256CF0D1296A
rv40.dll SHA1: DC20CAA0 F9525484 E72015E7 791EE6CD FC566793
Registry strings in the rv40.dll:
The RV40.DLL related files:
ADVAPI32.dll drv4.dll drvc.dll KERNEL32.dll MSVCR71.dll rv40.dll
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