The file DAPFireFox4.dll has internal name: DAPFireFox.dll. The file DAPFireFox4.dll description is: DAPFireFox. The file DAPFireFox4.dll is related to the Speedbit Ltd.. The version of the file DAPFireFox4.dll: 9, 5, 0, 0. The DAPFireFox4.dll is a part of software product: DAP extension for Firefox LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) 1999 – 2011 SpeedBit Ltd.. Comments: 2126.
The file DAPFireFox4.dll size is: 297 136 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%\DAP\DAPFireFox_old\components4\DAPFireFox4.dll
DAPFireFox4.dll MD5: 2A571A6B95A681660616400FDE9AF9FF
DAPFireFox4.dll SHA1: 59959B23 219C6DC7 B4EFCF26 85A4D3EC E31E45D5
Registry strings in the DAPFireFox4.dll:
problem with registry key SOFTWARE\SpeedBit\Download Accelerator
Software\Speedbit\Download Accelerator
SOFTWARE\SpeedBit\Download Accelerator\NoTrigger
SOFTWARE\SpeedBit\Download Accelerator\NoTrigger\BlackList
SOFTWARE\SpeedBit\Download Accelerator\SecurityNoTrigger
SOFTWARE\SpeedBit\Download Accelerator\TriggerInStart
The DAPFIREFOX4.DLL related files:
ADVAPI32.DLL DAPFireFox4.dll KERNEL32.dll mozalloc.dll nspr4.dll OLEAUT32.dll s\xpcom.dll USER32.DLL WININET.dll WINTRUST.dll xpcom.dll
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