The file cfpconfg.exe description is: COMODO Internet Security. The file cfpconfg.exe is related to the COMODO. The version of the file cfpconfg.exe: 5, 10, 228257, 2253. The cfpconfg.exe is a part of software product: COMODO Internet Security LegalCopyright: 2005-2012 COMODO. All rights reserved..
The file cfpconfg.exe size is: 3 546 440 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%\COMODO\COMODO Internet Security\repair\cfpconfg.exe
cfpconfg.exe MD5: 4C5EAD80F871FC5BBE83A30E76F95C7A
cfpconfg.exe SHA1: ED28FB80 5CC11989 7DD2D5B3 A9741891 4F937417
The CFPCONFG.EXE related files:
ADVAPI32.dll API-MS-WIN-CORE-LIBRARYLOADER-L1-1-0.DLL COMCTL32.dll COMDLG32.dll CRYPT32.dll dbghelp.dll FLTLIB.DLL GDI32.DLL gdiplus.dll KERNEL32.DLL MPR.dll msi.dll ntdll.dll ole32.dll OLEACC.dll OLEAUT32.dll oledlg.dll PSAPI.DLL RASAPI32.dll RICHED20.DLL RICHED32.DLL SETUPAPI.dll SHELL32.dll shlwapi.dll USER32.DLL UxTheme.dll VERSION.dll WININET.dll WINMM.dll WSOCK32.dll
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