The file geekbuddy_x64.exe description is: COMODO GeekBuddy setup. The file geekbuddy_x64.exe is related to the COMODO. The version of the file geekbuddy_x64.exe: 3.3.217083.59. The geekbuddy_x64.exe is a part of software product: COMODO GeekBuddy LegalCopyright: ? 2008-2010 Comodo Security Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved..
The file geekbuddy_x64.exe size is: 7 769 432 bytes.
Default location: %Temp%\7ZipSfx.000\cis\download\installs\xml_binaries\geekbuddy\geekbuddy_x64.exe
geekbuddy_x64.exe MD5: 248736F0C547328D11AE574073C74C17
geekbuddy_x64.exe SHA1: 6254D442 51B63918 038249A7 13A3797B AA9B03C9
The GEEKBUDDY_X64.EXE related files:
ADVAPI32.dll COMCTL32.dll GDI32.dll Kernel32.DLL ole32.dll PSAPI.DLL SHELL32.dll USER32.dll VERSION.dll
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