The file kxebase.dll has internal name: kxebase.dll. The file kxebase.dll description is: Kingsoft Antivirus Base SDK. The file kxebase.dll is related to the Kingsoft Corporation. The version of the file kxebase.dll: 2010,5,12,402. The kxebase.dll is a part of software product: Kingsoft Internet Security LegalCopyright: Copyright (C) 1998-2010 Kingsoft Corporation.
The file kxebase.dll size is: 63 000 bytes.
Default location: %Program Files%KingsoftPCDoctorkxebase.dll
kxebase.dll MD5: 743F7C3DB2DAD418A6F32AA607C746F4
kxebase.dll SHA1: E0DAB8B6 6F4AC391 A867ABB0 FC6EEEA2 8CE478BE
The KXEBASE.DLL related files:
ADVAPI32.dll KERNEL32.dll kxebase.dll MSVCP60.dll MSVCRT.dll RPCRT4.dll SHLWAPI.dll
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