The file shdoclc.dll has internal name: SHDOCVW.DLL. The file shdoclc.dll description is: Shell Doc Object and Control Library. The file shdoclc.dll is related to the Microsoft Corporation. The version of the file shdoclc.dll: 6.00.2900.5512 (xpsp.080413-2105). The shdoclc.dll is a part of software product: Microsoft? Windows? Operating System LegalCopyright: ? Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved..
The file shdoclc.dll size is: 549 376 bytes.
Default location: %Common Appdata%kingsoftSysFileshdoclc.dll
shdoclc.dll MD5: B5A5231BBB443092AFB8A33EF7AEAEB2
shdoclc.dll SHA1: EBF3BDA5 4B66C500 198110E2 0FA73AED 2830256C

The SHDOCLC.DLL related files:
FONT: 8pt Tahoma, MS Shell Dlg” href=” oTargetFrame.src == “res://SHDOCLC.DLL/printnof.htm” // res://shdocvw.dll/http //For testing use DocURL = “res://shdocvw.dll/http strSrc == “res://SHDOCLC.DLL/printnof.htm” updateUrl = “

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