The file FTD2XX.dll has internal name: FTD2XX.DLL. The file FTD2XX.dll description is: FTD2XX library. The file FTD2XX.dll is related to the FTDI Ltd. The version of the file FTD2XX.dll: 3.01.06. The FTD2XX.dll is a part of software product: FTDI FTD2XX Drivers LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 2001-2005 FTDI Ltd..
The file FTD2XX.dll size is: 81 920 bytes.
Default location: \wdisplay\FTD2XX.dll
FTD2XX.dll MD5: BE022A10E3B3B2E02B62D3D40AC37A62
FTD2XX.dll SHA1: 876B43AA 11968444 30DD1EB9 D2238029 668C0DE9
The FTD2XX.DLL related files:
FTD2XX.dll KERNEL32.dll SETUPAPI.dll user32.dll
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