The file Ib97e32.dll has internal name: IB97E32.DLL. The file Ib97e32.dll description is: COM DS9097E V4.03Beta 2/18/10 (IB97E32.DLL). The file Ib97e32.dll is related to the Maxim Integrated Products. The version of the file Ib97e32.dll: 4, 0, 3, 5. The Ib97e32.dll is a part of software product: 1-Wire Drivers (TMEX) LegalCopyright: Copyright ? 1992-2010Maxim Integrated Products, All rights reserved. Comments: Serial adapter driver: DS9097E.
The file Ib97e32.dll size is: 98 032 bytes.
Default location: %SysDir%\Ib97e32.dll
Ib97e32.dll MD5: A8658F9DDA9F4277506B15B1BC8BA455
Ib97e32.dll SHA1: 6D61428A 6A26A72B E37FFED5 EDCFCC3C 46AB6C9D
Registry strings in the Ib97e32.dll:
Software\Maxim Integrated Products\1-Wire Drivers
Software\Maxim Integrated Products\1-Wire Drivers\
The IB97E32.DLL related files:
ADVAPI32.dll IB97E32.dll KERNEL32.dll user32.dll
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