The file WeatherD.exe has internal name: WeatherD.exe. The file WeatherD.exe description is: Weather Display. The file WeatherD.exe is related to the Weather Display. The version of the file WeatherD.exe: The WeatherD.exe is a part of software product: Weather Display LegalCopyright: Copyright Brian Hamilton 2000. Comments: Enjoy.
The file WeatherD.exe size is: 35 832 832 bytes.
Default location: \wdisplay\WeatherD.exe
WeatherD.exe MD5: C06520F5BCC6079339A4F2630B67064F
WeatherD.exe SHA1: 95B4D713 A33E085A D4F5F91B 0AFC2DC2 B9FC2771

Registry strings in the WeatherD.exe:

Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings

The WEATHERD.EXE related files:
– store your flashes, flv in *.exe file .System tray mouse hover weather info customise advapi32.dll AVICAP32.dll avifil32.dll comctl32.dll comdlg32.dll crypt32.dll ENC.DLL filemailer.dll FTD2XX.DLL ftp.dll gdi32.dll gdiplus.dll http.dll IBFS32.DLL ipport.dll ipworks8.dll ipworksssl8.dll kernel32.dll labjackud.dll ljackuw.dll mcast.dll mpr.dll msimg32.dll MSVCR90.dll MsVfW32.dll netapi32.dll newdev.dll ole32.dll oleaut32.dll olepro32.dll PAKBUSDLL.DLL qwave.dll secur32.dll security.dll SETUPAPI.dll shell32.dll telnet.dll Text Files *.txt udpport.dll URLMON.DLL usb.dll user32.dll version.dll webuploads.dll wininet.dll winmm.dll ws1080.dll wsock32.dll

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